2021 Atlantic Cod Stock Structure Workshops

cod fish

In 2020, a report by the Atlantic Cod Stock Structure Working Group (ACSSWG) concluded that the population structure of Atlantic Cod in New England waters consists of five distinct biological stocks, instead of the two that are currently managed. This conclusion requires a re-thinking of the current science and management approaches to the fishery. (Download a draft summary of the ACSSWG's peer-reviewed conclusions, here.) 

These 2021 Atlantic Cod Stock Structure Workshops, supported by the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC), NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), and NH Sea Grant, present a two-pronged approach developed to incorporate new stock definitions into existing science and management structures. Workshops will focus on Science/Assessment Prospects and Management. Each workshop will feature presentations by technical experts followed by discussions open to the public (outlined below) to ensure complete information is available to best inform the cod stock assessment process.

Workshop presentations and summaries are included below. 

Workshops Supported By:

New England Fisheries Management Council
Blue New Hampshire Sea Grant logo
NOAA Fisheries